Pearl II

Pearl Place Condos is a new mixed-use condominium development currently in pre-construction at 19 Hollywood Avenue from the Conservatory Group in Toronto, Ontario.  It will consist of a 34 storey building with 431 dwelling units.

This 34 storey building will be 114 metres high with ground floor retail use (2,543.90 square metres) and the 2nd and 3rd floor for commercial use (5,979.50 square metres) in a three and four storey podium with a 30 storey tower above.  There will be 431 residential units of which 198 are 1 bedroom units, 179 are 2 bedroom units and 54 are 3 bedroom units.  Total residential space for this development is 37,192.50 square metres.

There will be a total of  622 parking spaces in a 5 level of underground parking.  431 spaces will be for residents, 43 spaces for residential visitors, 108 for commercial parking spaces and 40 parking spaces for the Royal Canadian Legion hall located on 6 Spring Garden Avenue. There will also be 431 bicycle spaces on all levels in the underground parking.  There are two loading docks.

There will be a proposed 923 square metres of indoor amenity space located at the centre of the 4th floor.   This is where you’ll find the exercise rooms, games area, swimming pool, theatre and dining and entertainment rooms.  There will also be a proposed 647 square metres of outdoor amenity located on the two outdoor terraces on the same 4th floor.

No doubt this will be another spectacular condominium by The Conservatory Group in a great neighbourhood full of diversity and culture in North York.  Great design construction for easy living lifestyle.

Pearl II

Hollywood Ave, North York, ON M2N, Canada

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